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HELP MUN Classes

Starting July 13th 2020

Classes: Activities


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With Lucia Rengel

Do you want to learn the basics of the United Nations and how to be prepared for a mock United Nations? In that case, ONU BASICS is the class for you, in this class, you will learn 7 topics that will help you become the best delegate you can become, you will receive amazing material that will be useful al around your MUN experiences, how to read official documents, how to create captivating speeches and you will learn from the experiences from multiple MUN personalities.

Best Delegate Guide

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With Shurabe Mercado

The best Delegate guide class based on the award-winning book "Best Delegate guide, HOw to succeed at MUN". This amazing class that will make you an outstanding delegate in any committee of your choice, and you will learn all around how to propose groundbreaking resolutions, make breathtaking speeches, and become a power delegate that will show anyone your level of expertise. In our Award Winning Class, you will learn from the best and become the best.

International Law Debate

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With Steve Casanova

Are you interested in the Security Council or International Court of Law? Well, in that case, this class is the one for you, in this class, you learn multiple skills and basics of the international law that make up the hardest committees in MUN and not only that but you will also learn how to become a pro at any committee that involves international law. Once you tackle this class you will become an international law expert.

Debate 101

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With Frandy Morales

Learning how to properly speak your mind is vital in your everyday life but especially in the United Nations, Our Debate 101 class will show you the power of your words, how to form appropriate and outstanding arguments for every committee, this class is a must-have if you want to become the best delegate you can become or if you want to learn how to form proper arguments and debunk fake ones. If you are not interested in using these techniques for MUN you can always use them in your daily life remember we will give you classes that will help you outside of a MUN conference and in any conversation.

(+593) 96 136 1580

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